Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Great Adventure Trip/ June 11th

Cost: $45.50

all the rides, the safari, admission to the Mercy Me concert and all-you can eat buffet.

all-you-can-eat hamburgers, chicken nuggets, pasta salad, nachos & cheese, soft drinks and ice cream

Limited Tickets Available

Register and pay online at the link bellow

Ocean City 30 Hour Famine l May 13th

30 Hour Famine, May 13th & 14th

30 Hour Famine

Youth of the Month

Praise in the Park 2011!

Vota Concert- April 16th

Danny Ray Illusionist and Escape Artist

CrossFire Sunday!

Youth of the Month

Missions 101

A four-day community service “experience”, where youth will grow spiritually by reaching out in the service of Christ to area homeowners, churches and community service agencies. Participants, ages 12-18 will have opportunities to worship and explore God’s Word together in the beautiful ocean community of Ocean Grove.

Location: Ocean Grove, New Jersey

Cost:  $175.00

Contact Joshua Fox or Dianne Breder to register

Limited Spots Available