Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

CrossFire Sunday!

CrossFire United T-Shirt

Youth Of The Month

Superchick, Manafest, Bread of Stone, Concert March 25th

Cost: $10.00, get your tickets soon

Leaving from the Methodist Church at 6:00pm

Location: Ocean City, NJ

Ac Rescue Mission Trip Feb. 11th

register online at:

Starting Feb. 27th 6:30pm-7:30pm

Friday Night Live! Feb. 25th 6:30pm at First Baptist Church

Youth Group

Battle with Temptation

“Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.” Romans 12:21

Part of the problem in our battle with temptation has to do with our approach. This verse is one example of how Scripture is clear that we don’t overcome temptation merely by saying “no” over and over. We conquer, or overcome, by doing good. Our focus must be on developing good habits through the power of the Holy Spirit, not on breaking bad habits through the strength of our own will.

Art Show